Mysteries by Gloria Kenmare Grant plus Kenmare/ Kenmore history

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More Books I have written

Other Books I  have Wrote and published:
"Hate Moves In"

Until today Morgan had been the gopher, the new kid on the block, the rookie reporter. But today was a changing day, a day when Morgan’s life would be forever changed.

 A big story was being placed on her shoulders, a story which would teach her the true meaning of hate. A story almost unbelievable, yet true. Yes, today Morgan was going to have her life changed forever.

The story begins, “We all know that hate is an ugly word, but there are times when life deals you a hand so bad, you can‘t deal with it alone. That is when hate is all you have going for you. You wake up with it; nurse it all day and when night comes, that same hate feeds your dreams.

Yes, you get to the point it feels right to hate; it feels good to plan all the different ways to inflict the same pain onto the person or persons who gave you this hate.”

 Just got word that my new Book has moved up on the sales list. "Hate Moves in" is now available for purchase on Toll Free (877) BUY-BOOK or



"Sunshine and Fireflies" is a story set in late 1800 in Rural Mississippi. The story line continues into 1920”s and the great depression era. It covers the life of Emily a young girl who narrowly escapes death at the hands of her insane mother. Catherine joins the story as the school teacher who befriends Emily as she faces the jeers of her peers. Catherine soon finds herself drawn to Emily’s handsome father, who is still in love with his demented wife. It is a story of hate, love, death and survival in a family. It is a story inside a story that keeps you reading to see what lies ahead for young Emily and her family.

 It is a story of hate, love, death and survival in a family.

It is a story inside a story that keeps you reading to see what lies ahead for young Emily and her family.


Catherine took a step back, and looked deep into his steel blue eyes. She knew at this moment he did not love her nor did she love him. She admired him and liked him, but that wasn’t love. Even with that knowledge she knew Jim was a good man. He had proven that to her and every one who knew him. She knew all the things that he and his daughter had withstood before the reality that the marriage was hopeless. Catherine had been a widow too long not to want a man in her life again. But was she ready to chance her heart to a man who still loved his ex-wife, and maybe always would? She had to decide or risk spending the rest of her life alone like Window Jenkins or take a chance on love.



"Living Dolls",  Is the 5th mystery.
 “The Quaint town of Bar Haven sat perched beside the water. The light posts in the center of town were wrapped in candy can stripes. Festive decorations hung above the streets, and holiday decorations hung from some of the doors. Bar Haven was a lovely old fishing town, which over the years has had its face in many a visiting artists’ works.
Until a few years ago, children used to roam freely around the neighborhoods. The Bar Haven Elementary School, sat tucked safely behind its new high chain link fence, until now the children had no fears as they walked home alone. Today no children playing in or near the streets and mothers hold onto them tightly. Despite the new security, the children continue to disappear, and the town is irate and scared.
Detective Dave Turner spends all his waking time trying to solve these mysterious disappearances. He had searched all the areas that the leads had come from since last week. Once again, he had walked the streets. As with all the other times, he had come up empty. Not one sign of the last missing had been found, nothing new, at any of the many places he had gone. No clothes, no finger prints, no clues, just lead after useless lead. Dave is frustrated and exhausted over this case, the worse case ever. He feels tortured and engulf by it.”